
Studio Workshop Pictures

Monday, February 28, 2022 | Workshop Pictures

Here are our workshop pictures and also the top workshop piano teams.  Piano teams earned points for arriving on time, bringing one fact & two fictions about Mozart, completing the bell quiz correctly, playing by memory, and correctly identifying Mozart facts & fictions. Congratulations everyone!

Studio Workshop Pictures

Friday, October 1, 2021 | Workshop Pictures

Thank you to all those attending Fall Studio Workshop!  

Here are your team standings:
 1st Place - 21 points - Silver Cheetahs 
 2nd Place - 20 points tie - Teal Penguins & Blue Monkeys 
 3rd Place - 19 points tie - Purple Frogs & Golden Foxes

Congratulations also to the pianist earning 
the most workshop points:
 James- 13 points!

Group 1Siblings Kevin and Zoe Jane
Not pictured: Nathan, Grace, Elly 

The Music Alphabet

Making 'dough' notes

Group 2
Standing: Alex, Mia, James, Winters
Sitting:  Julia, Mc Kenna  -  Emiliano
Not pictured: Declan, Selah, Sam, Grace
'My CDE Song' composed and
performed by Alex

Group 3
Standing: Lanai, Rachel, Cleo, Geoffrey, Peyton, Alondra
Sitting:  Sophia, Jacob  -  Alaina, Makinley, Lukas
Not pictured:  Emery, Isabel 

2021 Back to Piano Workshop Pictures

Saturday, August 7, 2021 | Workshop Pictures

Jacob, Sam, Grace, & Makinley performed their solos in-costume!

Student Voting Results

 Students voted for their favorite solo and favorite costume - 
congratulations Jacob on winning both!

Studio Workshop Week

Saturday, February 27, 2021 | Workshop Pictures

Congratulations to each student performing at studio workshop this week!
Special recognition for playing by memory goes out to 
Winters, Sophia, Julia, Makinley, Lanai, Isabel, Emery, Sam, Jacob and Rachel.

For our practice goal this week everyone is learning their part

of the ensemble piece 'Eleven' by Carl Czerny.
It was already sounding so good at workshop!
Looking forward to hearing you all at your regular lesson times next week.


Studio Workshop Week

Friday, February 26, 2021 | Workshop Pictures

Every pianist came to workshop this week prepared with
two facts and one fiction about composer Carl Czerny.
Well done everyone including Sam, Izabella, Isabel and Winters -
that was very interesting information you all shared!

Studio Workshop Week

Friday, February 26, 2021 | Workshop Pictures

CRAZY KEYS was one of our fun activities at studio workshop week!
Students who correctly located sharps and flats on the piano
then tried to guess a music hangman letter.
Pictured are:  C-Lanai, A-Lukas, R-Peyton, L-Rachel, Czerny-Sophia

Fall Workshop Activities

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 | Workshop Pictures

Such lovely solos by all students attending Fall Workshop,
with many students performing by memory!  
What an enjoyable way to begin the month of October.
Not pictured:  Adult Group - Mrs. Terry and Mrs. Cathy